Life in the Civil War

AHTC 2009 Summer Institute-Reform, Reformers and Reformatories

By Staci Ward


Abstract:   While learning about the Civil War, it is important for students to understand the conditions in which our soldiers fought.  Through these lessons, students will be able to get a glimpse of things the men endured while prisoners of war at one of the worst prison camps, Andersonville. 

Enduring Understandings:

There were many similarities in terms of the difficulties in the lives of both the Northerners and the Southerners as a result of the war.

War has many consequences (families torn apart, morale, death, disease, injustice, etc).

There are standards of humanity and justice that must be upheld despite a person’s confinement.

Essential questions:

What were some of the consequences of the war?

What are the essential elements needed for survival?

Grade Level:  3rd through 5th

Time Expected: 3- 5 forty minute sessions

Lesson 1: Caught in Enemy Territory
Students will discuss the lives of different types of people who lived during the Civil War. 

Lesson 2: Life in Andersonville   
Students will analyze photos of Andersonville Camp

Extension Activities:

Have students research the role Illinois played in the war.  There were several POW camps here, Camp Douglas in Chicago which was thought to be just as bad as Andersonville, Camp Butler in Springfield and some POWs were sent to Alton Prison. 


Polacco, P.  Pink and Say. Philomel Books ,1994 New York, NY 10014.

Internet Resources:

Photo 1, 2, 3, 4 Library of Congress, American Memory Project

Photo 5 National Archives and Records Administration

Photo 6

Photo 7

Document A The University of North Carolina, Documenting the American South

Document B Northwestern University

Photo Analysis Worksheet, National Archives and Records Administration