Lewis and Clark: Their Journals, Their Maps, and Their Dog

By Kelli Mills and Paige Waggoner

Summer Fellowship 2010



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Lesson 6: Trading



Underscore the importance of cooperation from Native Americans and U.S. citizenry.


Explain how men and equipment were moved after the river portion of the trip concluded.

The teacher will use the following primary-source documents that detail how the expedition traded with the locals to procure oxen and horses to move over land.



Teacher will make an enlarged copy of this letter and will translate it with the class as an interactive read-aloud.  In small groups, students will discuss how this letter would facilitate trades and purchases for the members of the expedition.



The locals are described as lazy and as overcharging the explorers despite the fact that they are on government business. 



This page mentions trading for horses in the event that the area is not navigable by water.


Refer back to Anchor chart developed in Lesson 3:  After reading about trade, fill in anchor chart with facts as a class.


Assessment:  Students will develop an advertisement offering goods that they would trade to obtain oxen and horses.  Students can work in pairs or individually.