Mr. Roosevelt Comes to Champaign County:
An Examination of the New Deal

Marshall Schacht (St. Joseph-Ogden High School)     
Fellowship Summer 2009
Champaign County Historical Archives


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Lesson 4:  The New Deal in Action

Note:  This lesson involving period newspaper articles can be done as separate lessons over the course of several days or as a single lesson where focus groups create presentations to the class as a whole explaining the role, function, impact and significance of each specific agency.

Now that the students have an understanding of the concept of the New Deal and the names of several employment programs, students will consider the impact of specific programs on life in Central Illinois. 

The following government agencies will be the focus of this lesson:

á       IERC—Illinois Emergency Relief Commission  (Lesson 4.1)

á       WPA—Works Progress Administration

o   Urban (Lesson 4.2)

o   Rural (Lesson 4.3)

á       CCC—Civilian Conservation Corps  (Lesson 4.4)

á       REA—Rural Electrification Administration  (Lesson 4.5)


Students will read a collection of newspaper articles that help to define the function of the government agency and the manner in which programs were implemented.  The students will discuss the content of each article following the provided prompts. 

Upon completion of the lesson, students will have a deeper understanding of the role of government in the lives of those living in Champaign County. 

To assess their learning, students will write a short summary essay containing the role, function, impact and significance of one of the referenced agencies.