Part 4


1. Low Tech Blog

Dare to be a Citizen

Create a “Low Tech Blog”* and seed it with a question to respond to that challenges their personal responsibility in citizenship.  For Example: 



A suggested quote: "No one is born a good citizen; no nation is born a democracy. Rather, both are processes that continue to evolve over a lifetime. Young people must be included from birth. A society that cuts off from its youth severs its lifeline."
Kofi Annan


* A Low Tech Blog is a way for children to write about personal ideas in a public but protected way.  It is simply a file folder stuffed with lined paper.  A clear page protector is stapled to the front of the folder, creating a spine that keeps the lined paper in as well. A seed question and often a though provoking quote are on the paper slipped into the page protector.  Children write their response to the question, quote, and to each other on the lined pages inside the file folder.  The teacher sets the expectation that every entry will be respectful even in disagreement.